Centros de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje

Para ingresar a la información de los Centro de Excelencia Internacionales, hacer clic en la imagen. 

1. Centre for Teaching and Learning - QUEEN UNIVERSITY (Estados Unidos)

 2. Center for Teaching & Learning- UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY (Pakistán)

3. Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching - UMSS LOWELL (Estados Unidos)

4. Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching and Innovation - UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA (Estados Unidos)

5. Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching - STORY BROOK UNIVERSITY (Estados Unidos)

6. Center for Teaching & Learning - SACRAMENTO STATE (Estados Unidos)

7. Institute for the Future of Education - TECNOLÓGICO DE MONTERREY (México)

8. Centre for Teaching and Learning - UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD (Reino Unido)

9. Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching - TORONTO METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY (Canadá)

10. Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching - THE EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG (China)

Última modificación: jueves, 23 de enero de 2025, 10:32